Same Day Service $99 Flat Rate

At Capital Process Sacramento Ca. We offer SAME DAY DROP OFF SERVICE FOR APOSTILLE . Our Sacramento Apostille service includes the following service:

  • Submit to the Secretary of State the same day if received by noon.
  • Return by Priority Mail

What is Apostille in Sacramento?

An Apostille Sacramento service is required for all types of documents that are to be used in foreign countries. This ensures that your document will be recognized as legitimate in all participating countries that are party to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents.

The Secretary of State has closed some of the other locations, therefore, an Apostille Sacramento service is the only location to have the documents Apostille.

Apostille Sacramento Service Let us handle your Apostille needs.

You can rest assured that your documents will have the apostille done and returned to you in a timely manner. As we are a Sacramento Attorney Service and handle a large number of Apostille Sacramento services.

Some of the documents that may require a Sacramento Apostille are:

  • Adoption Documents
  • Affidavits
  • Bank Letter
  • Bills of Sale
  • Birth Certificate
  • Car Titles
  • Certificate of Naturalization
  • Death Certificate
  • Divorce Decree
  • FBI Background Check
  • Identity Documents or Passports
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Police Records
  • Power of Attorney
  • State Background Check
  • School Diploma / Transcripts
  • Single Proof to Marry
  • University Degrees

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